Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing

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Speech technology

  • Chair for Phonetics and Speech Processing


    The main concern of research in this group is how dynamic and categorical aspects of speech are connected and how sound change can emerge from the sometimes ambiguous relationship between the two. more

  • Chair for Spoken Language Processing


    Research in the Spoken Language Processing group focuses on the development and application of computational and statistical methods to the phonetic analysis of spoken language. more

  • The Clinical Neuropsychology Research Group (EKN)

    EKN Teaser_3

    The Clinical Neuropsychology Research Group (EKN) investigates motor speech and phonological disorders in neurologically impaired children and adults, as well as disorders of nonverbal communicative functions in patients with neuropsychological impairments after stroke or in the course of progressive neurodegenerative syndromes. more

  • Speech Production Research Group


    The IPS has been one of the world's leading institutes in speech production research for decades and has state-of-the-art laboratory equipment. A particular research focus is speech production at the interface between phonetics and phonology. more