Research reports from the Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing (FIPKM)
This page contains all electronically available articles from FIPKM for download as Postscript or PDF files (see also the home pages of individual staff members). Printed volumes are available for free in case of exchange or at a price of 8 Euro (plus postage and packing). Editor: Philip Hoole
Volume 34 (1996) (Dissertations)
- Hoole, P.: Theoretische und methodische Grundlagen der Artikulationsanalyse in der experimentellen Phonetik. pp. 3-173.
- Kühnert, B.: Die alveolare-velare Assimilation bei Sprechern des Deutschen und Englischen: Kinematische und perzeptive Grundlagen. pp. 175-392.
Volume 35 (1997) (Working Papers)
- Susanne BURGER and Hans G. TILLMANN: Comparison of Commercial Dictation Systems for Personal Computers (Ps-Dokument, 10 KB) pp. 107-114.
- Anja GEUMANN: Formant trajectory dynamics in Swabian diphthongs.(Ps-Dokument, 15 KB) pp. 35-38.
- Sebastian J.G.G. HEID: Individual Differences between Vowel Systems of German Speakers. (Ps-Dokument, 20 KB) pp. 27-34.
- Ingo HERTRICH and Hermann ACKERMANN: Accuracy of Lip Movement Analysis. Comparison between Electromagnetic Articulography and an Optical Two-Camera Device. (Ps-Dokument, 19 KB) pp. 165-170.
- Philip HOOLE and Wolfram ZIEGLER: A Comparison of Normals' and Aphasics' Ability to Plan Respiratory Activity in Overt and Covert Speech. (Ps-Dokument, 15 KB) pp. 77-80.
- Philip HOOLE, Heidrun SCHRÖTER-MORASCH and Wolfram ZIEGLER: Patterns of Laryngeal Apraxia in Two Patients with Broca's Aphasia. (Ps-Dokument, 20 KB)pp. 81-88.
- Philip HOOLE: Laryngeal Coarticulation. Section 1: Coarticulatory investigations of the devoicing gesture. (Ps-Dokument, 20 KB)pp. 89-99.
- Philip HOOLE: Techniques for Investigating Laryngeal Articulation and the Voice-source. Section 1: Investigation of the devoicing gesture. (Ps-Dokument, 20 KB) pp. 101-106.
- Philip HOOLE and Noel NGUYEN: Electromagnetic Articulography in Coarticulation Research. (Ps-Dokument, 15 KB) pp. 177-184.
- Hansjörg HORN, Gernot GöZ, Margit BACHER, Martin MüLLAUER, Ingeborg KRETSCHMER and Detlef AXMANN-KRCMAR: Reliability of Electromagnetic Articulography Records during Vowel-Consonant-Vowel Sequences pp. 171-176.
- Christian KROOS, Philip HOOLE, Barbara KüHNERT and Hans G. TILLMANN: Phonetic Evidence for the Phonological Status of the Tense-Lax Distinction in German. (Ps-Dokument, 20 KB)pp. 17-25.
- Barbara KÜHNERT and Francis NOLAN: The Origin of Coarticulation. (Ps-Dokument, 20 KB) pp. 61-75.
- Hartmut PFITZINGER: Die Berechnung digitaler FIR-Entzerrfilter aus Messungen analoger Filter. (Ps-Dokument, 10 KB) pp. 185-190.
- Florian PILLAU: An Experimental Investigation of Sosokhui Tone Perturbation. (Ps-Dokument, 15 KB) pp. 149-164.
- Sigurd ROSENAU: A Theoretical Analysis of Airflow in a Convergent Glottis.(Ps-Dokument, 20 KB) pp. 145-148.
- Florian SCHIEL: The Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals 1995 - 1997.(Ps-Dokument, 10 KB) pp. 121-125.
- Florian SCHIEL, Susanne BURGER, Anja GEUMANN and Karl WEILHAMMER: The Partitur Format at BAS. (Ps-Dokument, 15 KB) pp. 127-137.
- Hans G. TILLMANN: Die Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation.(Ps-Dokument, 20 KB) pp. 3-15.
- Hans G. TILLMANN: Eight Main Differences between Collections of Written and Spoken Language Data. (Ps-Dokument, 15 KB) pp. 139-143.
- Eric VATIKIOTIS-BATESON, Inge-Marie EIGSTI, Sumio YANO and Kevin G. MUNHALL: Perceiver Eye Motion during Audiovisual Speech Perception. (Ps-Dokument, 10 KB) pp. 39-59.
- Daniel ZBORIL, Marion LIBOSSEK and Florian METZE: In-Development Assessment of Concatenation Synthesis by Non-Native Speakers. (Ps-Dokument, 10 KB) pp. 115-119.
Volume 36 (1998) (Dissertations)
- Mooshammer, Christine: Experimentalphonetische Untersuchungen zur artikulatorischen Modellierung der Gespanntheitsopposition im Deutschen. pp. 3-192.
- Heid, Sebastian J.G.G.: Phonetische Variation - Untersuchungen anhand des PhonDat2 Korpus. pp. 193-368.
Volume 37 (2001) (Conference Proceedings)
- Human and Machine Perception in Acoustic and Visual Communication (HAMP). (Click here for links to PDF versions of each paper)
- Posner, Roland: Alltagsgesten als Ergebnis von Ritualisierung. (Everyday Gestures as a Result of Communication.)
- Wrobel, Ulricke: Referenz in Gebärdensprachen: Raum und Person. (Sign Language Reference: Space and Person.)
- Grabowski, Joachim: A uniform anthropomorphological approach to the human conception of dimensional relations.
- Hannig, Anke: Erstellung eines systematischen Wortschatzes für die Gebärdenspracherkennung. (Development of a systematic vocabulary for sign language recognition.)
- Klakow, Dietrich: Observation and Modeling of Structures in Natural Language.
- Weilhammer, Karl: Statistical Language Models with Structural Elements.
- Fischer, Eugen: Bogus Finitude.
- Mulzer, Klaus: Sprachverstehen und implizites Wissen. (Implicit Knowledge and Sentence Understanding.)
- Nölker, Claudia and Ritter, Helge: Visual Recognition of Continuous Hand Postures.
- Behrends, Johannes and Wismüller, Axel: A Segmentation and Analysis Method for MRI Data of the Human Vocal Tract.
- Hanke, Thomas: Auf dem Wege zu Language Resources for Gebärdensprachen. (On the way to language resources for sign languages.)
- Wismüller, Axel: Exploration-organized Morphogenesis (XOM) - A General Framework for Learning by Self-Organization.
Volume 38 (2001) (Dissertations)
- Siepmann, Rolf: Phonetische Intonationsmodelle und die Parametrisierung von kontrastiven Satzakzenten im Deutschen.(Pdf-Dokument, 1 MB) pp. 3-115.
- Pfitzinger, Hartmut R.: Phonetische Analyse der Sprechgeschwindigkeit. (Pdf-Dokument, 3,57 MB) pp. 117-264.
- Geumann, Anja: Invariance and Variability in Articulation and Acoustics of Natural Perturbed Speech. (Pdf-Dokument, 3,92 MB) pp. 265-393.
Volume 39 (2002) (Working Papers)
- Aslanov, Fikret Ä.: Ein Blick auf die linguistische Analyse des Syntagmas.(Pdf-Dokument, 220 KB) pp. 3-9.
- Mady, Katalin and Beer, Ambros: Untersuchung von Sprechleistung und Schluckvermögen vor und nach einer Zungenlösung bei Patienten mit Mundhöhlenkarzinomen. (Pdf-Dokument, 190 KB) pp. 11-16.
- Pfitzinger, Hartmut R.: Fleshpoint Measurements of Articulatory Kinematics in Concatenative Speech Synthesis .pp. 17-24.
- Pfitzinger, Hartmut R.:Reanalysing the Role of Stop-Vowel-Transitions in the Perception of the Stop-Consonants . pp. 25-29.
- Pfitzinger, Hartmut R.: Perceiving Speech Rate Differences between Naturally Spoken and Time-Scale Modified Utterances . pp. 31-36.
- Biersack, Sonja: Systematische Aussprachefehler deutscher Muttersprachler im Englischen - Eine phonetisch-phonologische Bestandaufnahme.(Pdf-Dokument, 1,27 MB) pp. 37-130. audio samples
Volume 40 (2004) (Working Papers)
- Härtl, Klaus and Ackermann, Chantal (eds)