Modelling the actuation of sound change: a phonetic investigation into /s/ to /sh/ retraction (DFG, 2018-2021)
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Institut für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung (IPS)
Schellingstr. 3/II (VG)
80799 München
Institut für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung (IPS)
Schellingstr. 3/II (VG)
80799 München
+49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 2760
Research areas
- Sound change
- Phonetics-phonology interface
- Experimental phonetics
- Born 1978 in Hobart, Tasmania
- 2000: Bachelor of Arts, Australian National University
- 2001: Bachelor of Arts (Honours), University of Melbourne
- 2007: Doctor of Philosophy, University of Melbourne
- February 2010 - April 2012: Post-doctoral research fellow at the IPS, Munich (externally funded by the Alexander von Humboldt foundation)
- Since May 2012: research fellow at the IPS
Research interests
Sound change, phonetics-phonology interface, experimental phonetics, and linguistic typology
Current project
- Stevens, M. (2023): Predicting sound change: acoustic evidence from a longitudinal study of /s/-retraction in English /str/, Proc. International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences. Prague, August 2023; pp. 2966-2970. (pdf)
- Stevens, M. and Harrington, J., (2022): Individual variation and the coarticulatory path to sound change: agent-based modeling of /str/ in English and Italian”, Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 7(1). doi:
- Harrington, J., Gubian, M., Stevens, M. and Schiel, F. (2019): Phonetic change in an Antarctic winter. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146, 3327 (2019); (pdf)
(Copyright (2019) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America.) - Stevens, M. and Loakes, D. (2019) Individual differences and sound change actuation: evidence from imitation and perception of English /str/. Proc. International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences. Melbourne, August 2019; pp. 3200-3204. (pdf)
- Harrington, J., Kleber, F., Reubold, U., Schiel, F., and Stevens, M. (2019). The phonetic basis of the origin and spread of sound change. In The Routledge Handbook of Phonetics, Ed. W. Katz & P. Assmann, pp. 401-426, ISBN: 978-1-138-64833-3.
- Stevens, M., Harrington, J., and Schiel, F. (2019) Associating the origin and spread of sound change using agent-based modelling applied to /s/-retraction in English. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 4(1), 8. DOI:
- Harrington, J., Kleber, F., Reubold, U., Schiel, F., and Stevens, M. (2018) Linking cognitive and social aspects of sound change using agent-based modeling. Topics in Cognitive Science, 1-21. (pdf)
- Stevens, M. and Harrington, J. (2016) The phonetic origins of /s/-retraction: Acoustic and perceptual evidence from Australian English. Journal of Phonetics 58:118-134. (pdf)
- Harrington, J., Kleber, F., Reubold, M., and Stevens, M. (2016) The relevance of context and experience for the operation of historical sound change. In A. Esposito & L. Jain (Eds.) Toward Robotic Socially Believable Behaving Systems - Volume II: Modeling Social Signals. Springer Verlag. (pdf)
- Harrington, J., Kleber, F., and Stevens, M. (2016) The relationship between the (mis)-parsing of coarticulation in perception and sound change: evidence from dissimilation and language acquisition. In A. Esposito and M. Faundez-Zany (Eds.) Recent Advances in Nonlinear Speech Processing. Springer Verlag, pp. 61-92. (pdf)
- Stevens, M., Bukmaier, V. & J. Harrington (2015). Pre-consonantal /s/-retraction. Proc. International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, August 2015. (pdf)
- Stevens, M. & Reubold, U. (2014). Pre-aspiration, quantity, and sound change. Laboratory Phonology 5, 4. 455-488 (pdf)
- Stevens, M., & Harrington, J. (2014). The individual and the actuation of sound change. Loquens 1(1). doi: (original publication)
- Harrington, J. & Stevens, M. (2014). Editors' introduction: Cognitive processing as a bridge between phonetic and social models of sound change. Laboratory Phonology 5, 1. 1-8. (pdf)
- Schiel, F., Stevens, M., Reichel, U. & F. Cutugno (2013). Machine Learning of Probabilistic Phonological Pronunciation Rules from the Italian CLIPS Corpus. Proc. Interspeech 2013, Lyon, France: 1414-1418. (pdf)
- Stevens, M. (2012) A Phonetic Investigation into "Raddoppiamento sintattico" in Sienese Italian. Bern: Peter Lang (European University Studies - Italian Linguistics Series)
- Stevens, M. (2011) Consonant Length in Italian: Gemination, Degemination and Preaspiration. In Scott M. Alvord (Ed.) Selected Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Laboratory Approaches to Romance Phonology. Somerville, MA, USA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. pp. 21-32. (pdf)
- Woodward-Kron, R., M. Stevens & E. Flynn. (2011) The medical educator, the discourse analyst, and the phonetician: A collaborative feedback methodology for clinical communication. Academic Medicine 86, 5: 565-570.
- Hajek, J. and M. Stevens. (2011) Vowel duration in stressed position in Central & Northern varieties of Standard Italian: A pilot study. In Wai-Sum Lee and Eric Zee (eds) Proceedings of ICPhS XVII. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong, pp. 803-806. (pdf)
- Stevens, M. (2010) How widespread is preaspiration in Italy? A preliminary acoustic phonetic overview. Lund University Centre for Languages and Literature Phonetics Working Papers 54 (Proc. FONETIK 2010): 97-102. (pdf)
- Stevens, M. & J. Hajek (2010) Post-aspiration in standard Italian: some first cross-regional acoustic evidence. Proceedings of Interspeech 2010. Makuhari, Japan, pp. 1557-1560. (pdf)
- Stevens, M. and J. Hajek (2010) Preaspirated /pp tt kk/ in standard Italian: A sociophonetic v. phonetic analysis. In Tabain, M., J. Fletcher, D. Grayden, J. Hajek and A. Butcher (eds) Proceedings of the 13th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, Melbourne: ASSTA, pp. 1-4. (pdf)
- Mairano, P., A. Romano, M. Stevens and J. Hajek (2009) La preaspirazione nelle lingue del nord europa e in italiano: dati di base per un confronto tra islandese e senese. In Luciano Romito, Vincenzo Galata' and Rosita Lio (eds) Atti del 4o convegno nazionale AISV 2007 "La Fonetica Sperimentale. Metodo e applicazioni". Cosenza, EDK Press, pp. 179-195.
- Stevens, M. & J. Hajek (2008) Positional effects on the characterisation of ejectives in Waima'a. Proceedings of Interspeech 2008, Brisbane, pp. 1124-1127. (pdf)
- Hajek, J. & M. Stevens (2008) Vowel duration, compression and lengthening in stressed syllables in Central and Southern varieties of standard Italian. Proceedings of Interspeech 2008, Brisbane, pp. 516-519. (pdf)
- Stevens, M. & J. Hajek (2007) Towards a phonetic conspectus of preaspiration: acoustic evidence from Sienese Italian. Proceedings of ICPhS XVI, Saarbrücken, Germany, pp. 429-432. (pdf)
- Hajek, J., Stevens, M. & G. Webster (2007) Vowel duration, compression and lengthening in stressed syllables in Italian. Proceedings of ICPhS XVI, Saarbrücken, Germany, pp. 1057-1060. (pdf)
- Stevens, M. and J. Hajek (2007) L'inibizione dell'allungamento consonantico ai confini di parola nell'italiano senese: alcune prove uditive e acustiche. In Veronica Giordani, Valentina Briseghini and Piero Cosi (eds) Atti dell'AISV III Convegno nazionale "Scienze Vocali e del Linguaggio - Metodologie di Valutazione e Risorse Linguistiche", Povo di Trento, EDK Press, pp. 17-26.
- Stevens, M. & J. Hajek (2006) Blocking of word-boundary consonant lengthening in Sienese Italian: some auditory and acoustic evidence. Proceedings of the 11th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, ASSTA, pp. 196-181. (pdf)
- Stevens, M., Kruspe, N. & J. Hajek (2006) Register in Mah Meri: a preliminary phonetic analysis. In R. Hoffmann & H. Mixdorff (Eds), Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2006, Dresden, Germany. pp. 269-272. (pdf)
- Stevens, M. & J. Hajek (2005) Raddoppiamento sintattico and word-medial gemination in Italian: are they the same or are they different? The evidence from spontaneous speech. In R. S. Gess & E. J. Rubin (Eds.) Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Romance Linguistics. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, pp. 257-272.
- Stevens, M. & J. Hajek (2005) Spirantization of /p t k/ in Sienese Italian and so-called semi-fricatives. Proceedings of Interspeech 2005, Lisbon, pp. 2893-2897. (pdf)
- Hajek, J. & M. Stevens (2005) On the acoustic characterization of ejective stops in Waima'a. Proceedings of Interspeech 2005, Lisbon, pp. 2889-2893. (pdf)
- Hajek, J. & M. Stevens (2005) La preaspirazione delle occlusive sorde geminate nel Senese. In P. Cosi (Ed.) Atti del 1o Convegno Nazionale AISV 2004 "Misura dei parametri - aspetti tecnologici ed implicazioni nei modelli linguistici". Padua, EDK Press, pp. 89-100.
- Stevens, M. (2004) Preaspiration in Sienese Italian: Some acoustic evidence. Melbourne Papers in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics 4, 1: 35-45.
- Stevens, M. & J. Hajek (2004) Preaspiration in Sienese Italian and its interaction with stress in /VC:/ sequences. In B. Bel & I. Marlien (Eds) Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2004. Nara, Japan: SProSIG, pp. 57-60. (pdf)
- Stevens, M. & J. Hajek (2004) How pervasive is preaspiration? Investigating sonorant devoicing in Sienese Italian. Proceedings of the 10th Australian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, Macquarie University, Sydney, pp. 334-339. (pdf)
- Stevens, M. & J. Hajek (2004). Comparing voiced and voiceless geminates in Sienese Italian: what role does preaspiration play? Proceedings of the 10th Australian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, Macquarie University, Sydney, pp. 340-345. (pdf)
- Stevens, M. & J. Hajek (2004) A preliminary investigation of some acoustic characteristics of ejectives in Waima'a: VOT and closure duration. Proceedings of the 10th Australian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, Macquarie University, Sydney, pp. 277-282. (pdf)
- Hajek, J. & M. Stevens (2004) Tonal Activity in Kara, an Austronesian language spoken in New Britain. Proceedings of the 10th Australian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, Macquarie University, Sydney, pp. 295-300. (pdf)
- Absalom, M., Hajek, J. & M. Stevens (2004) Il fenomeno del raddoppiamento sintattico nella realta' linguistica italiana. In F. A Leoni, F. Cutugno, M. Pettorino & R. Savy (Eds.) Il Parlato Italiano. Atti del Convegno nazionale. Naples 13-15 February 2003.
- Absalom, M. Stevens, M. & J. Hajek (2002) A typology of spreading, insertion and deletion or What you weren't told about Raddoppiamento sintattico in Italian. Proceedings of the 2002 Conference of the Australian Linguistics Society (no page numbers). (pdf)
- Stevens, M., Hajek, J. & M. Absalom (2002) Raddoppiamento sintattico and glottalization phenomena in Italian: a first phonetic excursus. Proceedings of the 9th Australian International Conference on Speech Science & Technology. The University of Melbourne, ASSTA, pp. 154-159. (pdf)