Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing

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Associate Staff

Christopher Carignan

Dr. Christopher Carignan

Associate Staff

Speech articulation
Speech acoustics
Sound change
Computational modeling and method development for speech production

Ander Egurtzegi

Dr. Ander Egurtzegi

Associate staff

Historical phonology, Sound Change, Phonological typology

Elisabet Haas

Dr. phil. Elisabet Haas

Associate staff

+49 (0)89 / 2180 -1881

Dr. phil. Katharina Hogrefe

Dr. phil. Katharina Hogrefe

Scientific Staff

+49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 1882

Jasmin Pöhnlein (née Rimpler), M.A.

Language variation
Language acquisition

PD Dr. Eva Reinisch

PD Dr. Eva Reinisch

Associate staff

  • (Online) spoken word recognition
  • Perceptual adaptation
  • Second language sound categories

Dr. Ulrich Reubold

Dr. Ulrich Reubold

Associate staff

  • Experimental phonetics
  • Laboratory phonology
  • Speech perception and production
  • Sound change

Raphael Winkelmann

Dr. Raphael Winkelmann

  • Tool development for phonetic research
  • Speech databases
  • Modeling sound change