Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing

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Course Structure

Course Structure (Beginning of studies in 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, ...)

Module ECTS Subject ECTS SWS
1st Semester (winter term)
P 1 Experimental Phonetics V 12 P 1.1 Experimental Phonetics (Master Seminar) 6 2
P 1.2 Experimental phonetics (Advanced) 6 2
P 2 Cognitive Speech Processing III 6 P 2.1 Cognitive Speech Processing 6 2
2nd Semester (summer term)
P 3 Modern Research Methods 12 P 3.1 Presentation of Current Research Results 6 2
P 3.2 Phonetics Methods 6 2
WP 1 / I Practical Module Speech Technology* WP 1.1 Speech Technology (Practical) 6 2
WP 2 / I Practical Module Experimental Phonetics* WP 2.1 Experimental Phonetics (Practical) 6 2
WP 3 / I Practical Module Cognitive Speech Processing* WP 3.1 Cognitive Speech Processing (Practical) 6 2
3rd Semester (winter term)
P 4 Speech Technology and Databases 12 P 4.1 Speech Technology 6 2
P 4.2 Speech Databases 6 2
WP 1 / II Practical Module Speech Technology 12 WP 1.2 Project Course 6 2
WP 2 / II Practical Module Experimental Phonetics 12 WP 2.2 Project Course 6 2
WP 3 / II Practical Module Cognitive Speech Processing 12 WP 3.2 Project Course 6 2
WP 4 Advanced Speech Technology 6 WP 4.1 Speech Technology (Advanced) 6 2
WP 5 Advanced Speech Databases 6 WP 5.1 Speech Databases (Advanced) 6 2
4th Semester (summer term)
P 5 Final Module 30 P 5.1 Master Thesis 25  
P 5.2 Thesis Defense 5  

Course Structure (Beginning of studies in 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021, ...)

Module ECTS Subject ECTS SWS
1. Fachsemester (Wintersemester)
P 4 Speech Technology and Databases 12 P 4.1 Speech Technology 6 2
P 4.2 Speech Databases 6 2
WP 4 Advanced Speech Technology 6 WP 4.1 Speech Technology (Advanced) 6 2
WP 5 Advanced Speech Databases 6 WP 5.1 Speech Databases (Advanced) 6 2
2. Fachsemester
P 3 Modern Research Methods 12 P 3.1 Presentation of Current Research Results 6 2
P 3.2 Phonetics Methods 6 2
WP 1 / I Practical Module Speech Technology* WP 1.1 Speech Technology (Practical) 6 2
WP 2 / I Practical Module Experimental Phonetics* WP 2.1 Experimental Phonetics (Practical) 6 2
WP 3 / I Practical Module Cognitive Speech Processing* WP 3.1 Cognitive Speech Processing (Practical) 6 2
3. Semester
P 1 Experimental Phonetics V 12 P 1.1 Experimental Phonetics (Master Seminar) 6 2
P 1.2 Experimental phonetics (Advanced) 6 2
P 2 Cognitive Speech Processing III 6 P 2.1 Cognitive Speech Processing 6 2
WP 1 / II Practical Module Speech Technology 12 WP 1.2 Project Course 6 2
WP 2 / II Practical Module Experimental Phonetics 12 WP 2.2 Project Course 6 2
WP 3 / II Practical Module Cognitive Speech Processing 12 WP 3.2 Project Course 6 2
4. Semester
P 5 Final Module 30 P 5.1 Master Thesis 25  
P 5.2 Thesis Defense 5  

* ECTS points are granted after succesfully completing the second part of the Practical Module