Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing

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PD Dr. phil. habil. Felicitas Kleber

PD Dr. phil. habil. Felicitas Kleber

Scientific staff


PI, DFG-DACH project "Typology of Vowel and Consonant Quantity in Southern German varieties: acoustic, perception, and articulatory analyses of adult and child speakers"


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Institut für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung (IPS)
Schellingstr. 3/II (VG)
80799 München

Room: 216
Phone: +49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 2454
Fax: +49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 5790

Research areas

  • Experimental phonetics and laboratory phonology
  • Speech production and perception
  • Sound change, German dialects, Phonological Acquisition
  • prosody and intonation

Google Scholar Profil, Web of Science ReseacherID, ORCid, ResearchGate




Current Projects

Typology of Vowel and Consonant Quantity in Southern German varieties: acoustic, perception, and articulatory analyses of adult and child speakers (DFG, 2016 - 2024)

Completed Projects

Form and Function of Prosodic Structure in Hungarian and German (DAAD, 2015 - 2016)